it's been said the eyes of a person leads to the souls compassion and love binds no matter how many years come and go.
That First vibe or feeling you get is why the saying is sooo true
Stick with your Gut feelings when your at a Cross Road .
the first time i saw the man whose eyes Captured me in a way i Still find it Hard to let go.
His tender yet subtle ways of showing you what some men feel yet aren't always able to admit because they where brought up
to be the Strong ones who Never let the soft side of their hearts show .
i discovered mr lee brice thank God, by someone posting from a
radio station on youtube a meeting he had with fans singing songs about Life that he
wrote or lived through at times .
the first few lines in the song Mr Lee Brice wrote called TRY talks about being a man of limitations ,yet he's willing to learn them all because of his love for you .
the words to this song just took my breathe away because as i sat and watched him sing it
i thought i've gotta pray he comes to my town just so i can see the man ,
who could set the world on fire just by sitting & watching one of his shows .
then when you get the Chance that god gave me , i promise you
it will not only be a Show you'll never forget as well as recommend to friends .
mr brice would be a guy you'd have a hard time Forgetting because he's a mixture of souls
ranging in music from classic country to old school r & b ( al green , barry white etc.) right down to rapping like mc hammer because mr brice is definatley a Diamond in the Rough .
written by Kim Celeda april 23,2011 for country singer Lee Brice and his way of making me wanna see a sunset for the very FIRST time wrapped in LOVE