People flock to you like sheeps to a Shepard
Shadows that dance off beams of sunlight kissing sidewalks
As strangers pass each other by struggling in the streets
Of New York just to make ends meet .
I blew it I know when my green horns showed their true form
Of caring to much & not giving you enough space
even tho I meant what I said I'll always be your friend
Come hell or high water I'd be the rock you could lean on
To show the world your tough !
Yet I need you to see even tho I'm tryin to do
What you ask and stop building walls around myself
Locked up safe in my own little world
Cause I'm to afraid to scream out , I too
Wanna know what love is , by a first kiss , or dancin in the rain .
Sometimes my body feels like the song 2 outta 3 ain't bad
Waiting on the white coats to find me as they laugh
Written 12/12/2012 by Celeda Rein as a way to say true love
May never die yet live in the moments of knowing what it means
To grow up as a flower child when some around you
Would give anything to know
Just what 1 touch , 1 kiss , 1 hicke could live on in a lifetime's worth
The mercy of being touched by an angel through god !