My Meaning of a Friend
If you knew i was dying from a disease that had no cure
could i still count on you for moral support .
they say when your bad off , you know who
your real friends are . but its sad to think
just cause my looks may be changing or i've started to get thin ,you'd be afraid to be near me because of what
blows in the wind .
sure people are gonna talk or might even make fun . But
that's cause they've got No Heart & Soul or True meaning to them of what a true friend is .
We can't let time or ignorance get in the way as Life's to short as it is .
So if you really Love someone as a friend Don't wait til the last minute to stand beside them , Reach or your hand or give them a Big ol Hug and you'll realize
what its like to know , you can go on
your final journey Knowing you were and Always will be
LOVED . written 9-17- 98 for my cousin gary whom i never got to say good bye to
If you knew i was dying from a disease that had no cure
could i still count on you for moral support .
they say when your bad off , you know who
your real friends are . but its sad to think
just cause my looks may be changing or i've started to get thin ,you'd be afraid to be near me because of what
blows in the wind .
sure people are gonna talk or might even make fun . But
that's cause they've got No Heart & Soul or True meaning to them of what a true friend is .
We can't let time or ignorance get in the way as Life's to short as it is .
So if you really Love someone as a friend Don't wait til the last minute to stand beside them , Reach or your hand or give them a Big ol Hug and you'll realize
what its like to know , you can go on
your final journey Knowing you were and Always will be
LOVED . written 9-17- 98 for my cousin gary whom i never got to say good bye to