Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Speed Demon's Beware

I was on a Mission the day i met you , as God heard you
weep  you were lonely  and needed Company too
so there I sat in this huge place, Hoping you'd find me
before it was too late !

you took me home gave me Peace & Harmony
we played all night in the back yard and when it rained
you brought me in and kept me warm .
On special nights  we ate together you tossed me
either a Meatball or Fish depending on what day it was .

months go by and things start to get rough
i see you sitting on your chair weeping because
of today's world with  jobs and
people ending up Homeless .

I rest my head on your lap as gentle as i can look into
your eyes and try to convince you
i'm here for you come Hell or High water NO matter what !

yet 1 day i'm out in the yard playing and your in a rush
cause your late for work as you forget to
put me back in the house , i get worried
and squeeze through a gate to find you , because your ALL
I ever needed to know love came without strings .

as i run down the road in panic looking high and low
somebody speeds by without looking twice
and leaves me dead in a road .
didn't they know or have a love like I did
that shared sappy tear jerkin movies with me
and gave me Rubs when i needed it .

people say God doesn't  have a place for me in heaven
that's why most people won't understand
i'm not just somebody's  pet

i was truly your Best Friend that god's  angels of mercy
got together and sent  just for you !

I know your sad and wonder where i am now
yet know this , i'll always be watching from above
to see if you can help me

Spread the Love of what you did for me , and teach  people
to understand hitting a person or animal  makes
no difference that both were made to

love and respect as they had a family too that
loved them more then words could be spoken
yet pictures or looks were priceless to
the naked eye that saw it !

written by kim celeda janruary 25, 2012

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