Wednesday, March 14, 2012

He Stands before tall as a mountain , with Arms open Wide

He stands before me tall as a mountain , he stands before me
with Arms open wide !
He ask me my child , why have ye hung thy head so low
when i've created thee with love ?

I kneel before thee with head hung low my lord . because
i'm shamed of the green horned monster at times
who seems to have lost it's way of knowing
not everyone has to love me , in order for myself
to pay it forward to those that may need it most !
you of all people my lord
know what it's like to lose the love of someone you hoped
would be around forever more !

I miss my shepard's   lord i know in my heart you are
our main shepard ,yet i miss the love of my dogs . 
the embrace of my uncle's arms or the way
he used to tease me ,when he knew i'd rather laugh
then carry this clogged nose & uneasy breathing
that fills my chest so hard. 
 it puts
a huge knot in my throat to where i can't even talk if i wanted to !

written by : Kim Celeda march 6th ,2012  in wondering would god not let my dogs visit heaven with me if i'm allowed to go and because i miss uncle albert's laughter & those Hugs 

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