Tuesday, May 8, 2012

loving you is Easy

Because you keep me safe , your always on my mind
and just the thought of you brings warmth to my face
and stars to my eyes , where images of you
forever linger in the night .

as i can still taste your lips of chocolate fondue
mixed with sweet juices of a strawberry picked in

as i lay here alone tonight  while your out keeping  the
world  safe from harm , i want you to know
God's forever got you covered in

Love and Light  because you mean so much

to  us all that we pray for you  nightly 

as well as send kisses like rain drops  when you
think we've forgotten how many times

you've rescued us all  , i hope you remember this

and never forget loving you was easy

because god doesn't make mistakes

he builds moments of love daily  for us to Live in !

written may 8th , 2012 by : Kim Celeda 


  1. I love your words. Today would have been my mother and her twin's 100th birthday. I just believe that more people should be into kindness, sweet words and smiles. I think if that happened, we would change our attitudes about our fellow Americans. I really admire people who have thoughts that come higher plains.

  2. Shazza ,
    I send you huge hugs and hugs as well as love to all of your family as well as wish your mom and her twin a beautiful birthday in heaven where God's embrace is simply the best kinda love !
