Talk to me that little box always seems to say when it pings
Yet how do you really talk to someone who intimidates you more then
Your willing to let on because your worried about mistakes !
There you sit in your little cubby hole trying to encourage others to
Never give up and always believe , at the same time your worried
If they knew the real you would things change or remain the same ?
God I wanna confess all the things I may of done wrong , yet people
I know don't have time to hear my song of songs !
They say never judge a book by its cover , yet what if in some small ways
The book yearned to be read so it's compassion flowed freely !
I wanna break free of these chains & not be looked upon
Like some sorta freak , yet they say justice is blind
When money talks and bullshit walks , whose gonna be the
Guilding light then that once got ships at sea home safe.
Why can't same sex marriages live in the land of the free
If love is said to be the greatest gift of all , can I hug you
Without you thinking I wanna jump your bones ?
In case I over stepped my bounds and you find this all to dramatic
The simple truth of the matter is I wanna know what happen to
Loving someone the old fashion way like soft slow kisses that ignited
A soul to where it was so happy it didn't have to
Live in moments of tommorow
For it was left speechless and could only look to the heavens
As time marched on let her know she was worth it not because she
Found herself at times intimidated and worthless , yet because
She found love truly was being there for others & teaching them
To spread their wings and never lose hope
Of the promise to one day walk hand in hand with someone that could
Love like there's No Tommorrow
Written 8/31/2012 by Celeda's Rein
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