Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Speed Demon's Beware

I was on a Mission the day i met you , as God heard you
weep  you were lonely  and needed Company too
so there I sat in this huge place, Hoping you'd find me
before it was too late !

you took me home gave me Peace & Harmony
we played all night in the back yard and when it rained
you brought me in and kept me warm .
On special nights  we ate together you tossed me
either a Meatball or Fish depending on what day it was .

months go by and things start to get rough
i see you sitting on your chair weeping because
of today's world with  jobs and
people ending up Homeless .

I rest my head on your lap as gentle as i can look into
your eyes and try to convince you
i'm here for you come Hell or High water NO matter what !

yet 1 day i'm out in the yard playing and your in a rush
cause your late for work as you forget to
put me back in the house , i get worried
and squeeze through a gate to find you , because your ALL
I ever needed to know love came without strings .

as i run down the road in panic looking high and low
somebody speeds by without looking twice
and leaves me dead in a road .
didn't they know or have a love like I did
that shared sappy tear jerkin movies with me
and gave me Rubs when i needed it .

people say God doesn't  have a place for me in heaven
that's why most people won't understand
i'm not just somebody's  pet

i was truly your Best Friend that god's  angels of mercy
got together and sent  just for you !

I know your sad and wonder where i am now
yet know this , i'll always be watching from above
to see if you can help me

Spread the Love of what you did for me , and teach  people
to understand hitting a person or animal  makes
no difference that both were made to

love and respect as they had a family too that
loved them more then words could be spoken
yet pictures or looks were priceless to
the naked eye that saw it !

written by kim celeda janruary 25, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

You See me , When i'm at my Worst & Best How can i ever Thank You

 There's so much i wanna tell you & don't know where to begin
they say you only give us , what you think we can handle
yet God  forgive me why must you be the only one
to have to Deal with all the world's problems
and not have someone to lean on in return ?

they say men like women who are built a  certain  way or look
just right .  i say you see me at my worst
and Still you keep the Faith and Hold me tight !

When the Day comes to call and it's my turn
to venture home i wonder if i may be so bold
as to ask will you sit on a porch with
my dogs  and me and let me
share your whoa's as well as your laughs
someday .

because Truly in this day in age when most are afraid
to say they believe in you or Have Faith
I myself know

it's because of my faith in you , even when the world gets Cold
that Love from above in the Heavens
speaks Volumes to me the most !

i'm only sorry lord for my weakness of not praying
on bended knee's  yet for that i hope you

understand how greatful to you

I am Because you Loved me Body & Soul

written janruary 23, 2012 by : Kim Celeda for God to let him know
i'm Thankful for  his Light and always showing me the way home
on Days that forever seem Cold

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is It Love or Destiny

I have a love that lives across the way , i think of him
every minute of the day .
His eyes , how they sparkle with stars from the sky
his lips tender like grapes from a vine , Oh how i wish
he were mine .

I've told him how i felt , his response was to ignore me
like i was a window something he could glance through
We're like two ships that pass each other on a foggy night
with No Sign of hope for a "Guilding Light"

They say "Beauty is within" if this is true ,
why can't people except you for you ?
instead of what they want you to be .

But I haven't given up hope , because without hope
what becomes of destiny and the feeling of need ?
To be Loved , feel the passion or that special feeling you
hold within to go on in search of a Love that
Never needs to end !

written by Kim Celeda 4-22-1996

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dino's Forever in Reach

         There's something about you ,when i hear you sing a love song
Tears build up inside of me

They say you died on Christmas eve , I say angels got lucky
cause now your in their choir and we're missing you here on earth .
Yet cherish you daily through songs , that could make you
laugh , cry , or just embrace the people you love with
the world's Biggest Bear Hug !

I don't have all of your albums and don't know many of your songs , yet the few  I do
know,  help me to realize  love and laughter are never impossible
when they have angels like you , in their corner of the skies star shining brightly tonight !

so thank you mr martin  for giving me laughs with a Kick In The Head , and loving me enough
with There's NO Tommorrow ,  that no matter how many times i hear it 
I'll never lose hope even when i can't stop crying because your words touched
my heart so much  they'll forever shine brightly in the depths of my soul .

written 12-24- 2011  by  Kim Celeda for Mr Dean Martin a man the world truly embraces