Friday, September 28, 2012


  1. Words   

    Talk to me , I love you ,  are just words some people throw at you 
    Without realizing how much power they hold behind them !
    I myself don't use them much , because they've been the shackles 
    To my wall of  shame and embrassment . 

    I've held the 3 biggest words of love & compassion back for so many years 
    Its become a vow to me not to speak them in person to another soul 
    Until I know in my gut they've always got a place to call home ! 

    Yes  I know that's odd you say to think , how can  one love if trusting 
    Your gut is all you've ever gone by , when your suppose to have faith . 
    The only answer I can give you that makes better sense to me is 

    How can you say we're friends if your always there for me , yet I'm 
    Not allowed too be there for you ? Isn't friendship suppose to be 
    A  two way street , why must I beg to try and convince you 
    To me relationships are 50/ 50 with bad days as well as good ! 
     Yet on the bad days you offer hugs or just a silent prayer 

    That says if dreams could make miracles come true 
    I'd sit next to you in silence with a shoulder to lean on 
    If words needed to be hushed like songs of just a melody playing 
    A Spanish guitar with only the sunset for a background ! 

    Written by : Celeda's Rein 9/ 28/ 2012  wishing men didn't always wanna be 
    The hero & gave women the same chance 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Time fades , love remains & people do change


 Life marches on even on days you wished it would keep still
Just to live in a moment that you thought was unreal . 
Sometimes you meet a person , who takes your breathe away 
In an instant you know if it's for keeps or just seem that way ! 

Because as the nights grow long and days short , you begin to 
Remember each lesson you learned through life 
When someone took the time to tell you they noticed you 
Were different and had no worries of standing out alone . 

You must always remember and never forget , even the people that 
Have moved on in there lives , in the deepest part of their soul 
Won't admit it  ,  are glad they met you and shared a laugh 
Or too as laughter can truly be the best medicine even on 
Those days when you feel like you've hit rock bottom . 

Someone's laughter has a way of pushing you forward & telling you 
Tommorows another day don't give up on what seems outta reach 
We all have a right to believe in what seems like to others 

The impossible dream ,  just as your about to quit keep 1 thing in mind 
If a person didn't love you in some way they'd  never be your worst critic 
Because   Love doesn't just stay gone if it walks away 

Sometimes it sends you hope in ways of small messages of 
Saying winners never quit  and your  always in my head 
Because theirs still the spot you claimed on my heart .

9/4/2012 written by : Celeda's  Rein  as a way to say  I never wanna be known as a saint I just hope to live & make people laugh more then cry any day of the week