Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is Valor even a word of Compassion anymore

  You See me like No other , i long for the days when i can step back in time and words like Compassion , Honor , Trust
were words people could counted  on
without shedding blood  !

people say i'm crazy for trying to stick to my guns by
 being a straight shooter when asked ?'s
that some just don't wanna bother to take on

what's the big deal as long as the truth sets you free
why lie when it's easier just to be me 
you tell me , you think i'm playing head games 
all because  i forgot when  i wrote something days ago 
 because i've had sleepless 
nights  of  trying to clear my name as an animal abuser !

why must i take on the world and you too 
can't you just once ask God to send you 
my proof i am who i am that will never change 
because it's the Irish part of me 
that values the saying it's better to be hated for who you are 
then Loved for who your not ! 

this isn't pity i promise you that , it's just me saying 
this is why my heart was turned to Stone over 20 years ago 
and sometimes those shackles and walls keep me 
Safe  from the submission of wondering 
whose brave enough to hold my hand and say 

you be you girl  and blow dust in the wind to all those 
that think days of Camelot and paying it forward are Dead !  

written february 29, 2012  wondering why people can't understand what it must of been like to be in God's shoes
trying to be there as a friend or have Faith in

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ryan Reynolds or a Man like you , I'd Just Love you

As I'm  sitting here with pen in hand asking myself
What's wrong with Love and Why Can't I Learn to give in ?
i'm tired of my past i want a fresh start

would you be willing to teach me things if i promised you
I could love you for you  without strings attached !
when times are tough and your going through
hell you'd see  i'd be 1 of the friends
showing you my love is Real
it can't be bought or drift away even when your gone
for years on end  if you give me a chance
i'd show you  my word is my bond and when others
have forsaken you , i'd still cheer you on
even when you grow  leary of me

my words to God's ear would be please protect him
always and know he's the diamond in the rough
so many miss because they see the outside of  a man
instead of the passion that flows within !

as lord you know me  , i'm little rough around the edges
sometimes  yet that's because i still believe
in the things that are Black and White 
that the truest  of friends come and stay in your life
when they find comfort in knowing you'd never
lie  to them even if it meant  you had to say Good bye

because you always believed it's better to be Hated  for
who you are , then loved for who your  not
yet what brings you to your knee's most
is wondering  how long can
an eternal Flame last if there is No trust ?

written by Kim Celeda feb.25 ,2012 for the chance of hoping
for a guy who loves animals , yet believes  also in
the truth  setting you free in today's world as well as the past

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

your Music & eyes just leave me Speechless

I don't think in a million years  you'd ever realize just how many
people whose Lives you've touched with songs like
try , beautiful everytime , picture of me or even Still

as the Compassion in your voice at times can truly
put a  person at ease that might need God's House for
Salvation yet they find it in the songs you sing
as they sit on an ocean's shore line thanking God
for another day of his beautiful gifts of creation !

in the few times i've seen you on Gac  all that goes through my mind is God what i wouldn't give to be blessed with the honor
of meeting you someday and saying thanks for
coming across the Big Screen like somebody
you've known forever that truly believes

life itself is Always amazing and filled with 
beautiful people when you least expect it
and just wanted a Smile or hug to say
Have faith  tommorow's truly worth it !

when you can laugh with your friends at low moments
in your life and look back as you say

yup i'll always be 1 of the Girls people say

She Ain't right   but  as that's the Irish side in me
that at times says  i'm old fashion at heart
with standards like 
i'm a straight shooter all cards on the table person
yet once you get to know me you'll see

i believe in  somethings that others may have thought
drifted off like Dust in the Wind .
these past few days  my family like others , have seen there
Ups and Downs yet you truly touch the Deepest part of
my soul  when i hear you sing not only the songs i mentioned
yet the ones not many know like
Crazy girl or you'll always be beautiful to me

God how i pray nightly  i find a man of my own that
see's in me things  god's blessed you with as a gift to
write about that  brings peace to those in need !

thank you mr Brice for giving me hope that Chivary isn't dead and
some men truly do see with there hearts more then their eyes
these days !

written by kim celeda feb 21, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ok you Got me I'm Not

Ok you Got me I'm Not the Bitch , I've somewhat changed
I'm far from perfect as as only God's angels
have beautiful Wings !

I'm the straight shooter all cards on the table person who
All this week , has just wanted a Fuckin punching bag to
Set the Raging beast inside  me Free on a piece
of land that i can scream at the top of my lungs
What more do you Want from me ?

IF i give it to you straight I'm considered by all
a stuck up Bitch , If i say i'm ok

when you ask how i am , it's not good enough
I'm holding back like a double edge sword split in half !
Friends tell friends when they need help ,
reach out & have faith in knowing
God & I are with you come hell or high water
no matter what

Yet what do you say to a family member whose gonna
end up dead soon , because they want out
and feel the world's had enough !
In my heart of hearts i wanna tell them
forget those that give him shit
Concentrate on the young
who think your the Moon
and the stars are just the love you've embraced
them with !

Will it ever be enough ,will things go back to
Black and White so your
Not blinded by color and see before you
The true picture that  yes  times
get hard , and people are human so they can
make mistakes

Yet it's only the strong that survive and move forward
to teach those they love or strangers they meet
to pay it forward
And know that as long as you have faith
No mountain will ever be Known as

The Rock you Couldn't break !

written by Kim Celeda for my family & others that need to know
we all make mistakes yet it takes Courage to
Face the World & say you'll never beat me .

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Just Miss You Like Crazy

I miss you like crazy when the mail doesn't come 
I miss the things we talk about that 
may at times seem trite or small !

we're two souls that some how god brought
together when most don't believe
in Signs of life or a gift from above .

we even share great books or movies that some
just don't get the meaning of
I wouldn't trade you for  King Authur's men
in Camelot because to me

your a Diamond in the Rough who may at times
hide yourself away from those people
you love and protect most

yet what you gotta know deep down in your
soul somewhere friend  an angel whispers
to you just once , let  it be

and show your truest Friends you trust them enough
to let them be there for you
as well in return when you get to a point
of thinking the World's had enough

trust in your gut and call on him above then call
upon me as i give you my word and my word
shall Forever be my bond
I will never forsake you  as

friends don't let friends down when thunder's crashing All around  
from above , rain might hide the tears yet
heaven's light shines through those

who can get you to laugh when it seems the Rest of the World
is sayin Fong off !

written 2- 11- 2012  for Ghost Rider  little things no matter how small are never wasted my friend , God knows i miss your laughter
even tho we never met

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

5 Simple words that Catch my breathe & leave me Speechless

          You are Home to me , 5 simple words that
catch my breathe and leave me speechless
as it's the Greatest thing  anyone can say to let you know
not a Day goes by that you're not with them !
Even when you're struggling to get work done and
the house is a mess , just those words alone
can seem like  Love's most priceless gift
was given to you on a day when you
least expected it yet refused to show  the World
you truly needed that or a Huge hug 
as hugs speak Volumes when words Aren't needed !
it's a sentence that can take you places you never
dreamed possible  yet there before you
stands the person's  eyes who says  it all
not just on anniversary's or Valentine's Day
yet always  because you're what brings out
the best in all things  great and small
you're heavens  gift of love
on cold winter days as well as summer love !

so always remember and never forget
You are Home to me 
is simply the Best complement someone can give you
to show you're loved not just today yet always !

written  by Kim Celeda feb. 8, 2012 for the people who
love Valentine's Day yet would give the world  to be told

you're what Home is to me  because you're my "Twin's Soul   "

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can you Feel me in spirit tonight ?

I long for the nights when it's cool and breezy outside
so i can sit on a porch swing  and ask you
how your doing tonight ?

you know the old saying time marches on
so Live in the Moments that most take
for granted and just don't realize  , How good
they've Got it til it's gone

Like  dust in the wind i close my eyes
I see your smiling face and wonder
what your up to tonight ?

I guess you could say i'm a Romantic at heart
yet I also like trying to
be the shoulder at times no one else can find
even if its just to sit in silence and think
i'm here for ya come rain or shine .

the craziest part to this little riddle is
the people i'm missing the most
are in God's heaven shining down on
those they miss and love as well  tonight  !

yet off in the distance across some sky's
burns the eternal Flame of fire
with angels embracing soldier's tonight,  who they
themselves will never get to hold in their arms wide open
 saying for you I sacrifice all of me 
body , heart , soul because you 

where the first one to show me what
love without strings consisted  of
as I head into the house with night  upon us now
I ask God to send you a sign for me
sayin my life is complete because
he gave me you in it at a  moment in time
I thought no one was listening .

Still I wish I could return the favor , just so you know
the time we did have together was
never in my eyes wasted !  

written february 2, 2012  just for the sake of friendships
knowing your word is your Bond  and that won't

ever be Forsaken  .