Saturday, March 24, 2012

Raptured by the Joker's Charm

The things  that you  may seem  to do or  say to me
Noboby else  fills me with these feelings that a times
make me wonder if i'm in sane !

If i'm nobody to you why play games because
trust and love wouldn't be treated this way ,
we agreed things aren't always what they seem yet my gut
tells me i've known all along who you & your friends are

And everytime i get close someone disappears !
is that for my benefit or yours
because sooner or later , there won't be
a world left to hide in or run from

If you wanna be free just say the word, sure it would hurt
awhile yet i'd rather give you space
then lose you forever as the friend i thought you were.

because life without love is as cold as a body with no soul
yet trust without believing in
is like angel's wings clipped and brittle as their hands
have turned to stone and they can't embrace you
with the warmth that called you home !

All I ask is tell me the truth how can you not know somebody
if you've worked so closely together for a year and a half ?

you've become  gypsies in a Full moon's light
traveling the open road in search of souls ,who have
sleepless nights yet long to be full of music as well as
the Hope of having somewhere to gaze upon the stars
as you wonder will i ever fine the eyes
that forever touched my soul and made me
wonder what a kiss of passion in the rain
Really  Felt like  , or has fate decided
the Game must Go on because you missed
the challenge that day !

written :by Kim Celeda march 24, 2012 for wanting to
live in a dream of Mid Evil times with people i called friends yet wondering does my mouth run away with me again ?  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

He Stands before tall as a mountain , with Arms open Wide

He stands before me tall as a mountain , he stands before me
with Arms open wide !
He ask me my child , why have ye hung thy head so low
when i've created thee with love ?

I kneel before thee with head hung low my lord . because
i'm shamed of the green horned monster at times
who seems to have lost it's way of knowing
not everyone has to love me , in order for myself
to pay it forward to those that may need it most !
you of all people my lord
know what it's like to lose the love of someone you hoped
would be around forever more !

I miss my shepard's   lord i know in my heart you are
our main shepard ,yet i miss the love of my dogs . 
the embrace of my uncle's arms or the way
he used to tease me ,when he knew i'd rather laugh
then carry this clogged nose & uneasy breathing
that fills my chest so hard. 
 it puts
a huge knot in my throat to where i can't even talk if i wanted to !

written by : Kim Celeda march 6th ,2012  in wondering would god not let my dogs visit heaven with me if i'm allowed to go and because i miss uncle albert's laughter & those Hugs 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Soul's are Thicker then Tall Tales my Friend go in peace til we meet again

Brother's til the end
I can't imagine where you went , that would make you leave
without a word to those that would miss you here on earth !
But  I do  know this  , we may not of been ralated at birth
yet you will  forever shine as my brother til the end

because God Doesn't make mistakes he gave me you For
a Reason that only he can defend

I hope someday you'll  know in the Depth's of your soul
those that god has embraced in heaven always
Find away to let you know their love shines
on you forever in what may seem like
Haunted dreams of unanswered prayers of  their love
for you that you think went Cold !

I myself refer to these as Signs of Life , when you hear a song
on the radio that brings warmth to your heart that
someone in heaven loved to sing too .

days when you wanna sit at an ocean's shore line
as the waves come crashing in angels all around
are forever protecting you !
even tears believe it or not  are God's way of saying

it's ok to cry  as i'm cleansing your Soul child
and my love forever burns inside of you
even when you think the world or I
have counted you out & forsaken you !

I hope someday with all my heart we meet again yet til then
i keep you in my prayers sweet thang
As you truly were more of a brother to me then i ever Had
God love ya and keep you safe
now and always NO matter what because

Soul's are Thicker then Tall Tales & I wish you peace
til our Moon Crosses again !

written 3-9-2102 for the brother / friend i'll never forget